Nuclear Plant Safety

Key Takeaways

  • Nuclear power generates more than ½ of the carbon-free electricity in the U.S. and Europe with zero emissions.
  • Nuclear plants are designed with multiple redundant failsafes to prevent the release of radioactive material, and in the unlikely event that a radiologic release occurs, reactor facilities are designed to limit its spread.
  • Nuclear plants are closely regulated, inspected frequently, and monitored by both national and international watchdogs to maintain virtually no risk to human health.
  • Advanced nuclear technology and new reactor designs will further benefit from inherent safety mechanisms embedded in the physics of the fuel and reactor design.

The highest standards for safety are ingrained in the designs, licensing, operations, inspections, and upkeep of today’s nuclear power plants. Nuclear reactors are carefully monitored and designed with several redundant mechanisms to ensure safety. Future reactors will further benefit from safety enhancements inherent to the physics of the fuel and design. In this article, we’ll explore nuclear plant safety features and how they stack up against frequently raised safety concerns.

In This Article

How Does a Nuclear Power Plant Work?

Safety is at the heart of nuclear technology. Understanding how a plant works helps to demonstrate its several inherent protective features.

Fission: the Nuclear Reaction

A nuclear power plant houses one or more nuclear reactors, which are used to split heavy atoms, like uranium, to generate heat in a process called fission. Fission occurs when a fuel atom is hit by a neutron, causing the fuel atom to split. In today’s reactors, low-energy neutrons, called thermal neutrons, are used to split uranium-235 fuel. When the uranium-235 atom splits, two or three new neutrons are created with very high energy. These high-energy neutrons, called fast neutrons, have to be decreased in energy before they can cause more uranium-235 fissions.

The Chain Reaction “Sweet Spot”

Nuclear reactors operate using a chain reaction of neutrons and fissions. Each fission produces multiple neutrons, so if every neutron caused more fissions, then the chain reaction would increase in size rapidly: one fission would produce three neutrons, which cause three fissions, releasing nine neutrons, and so forth. If one fission creates, on average, 0.5 neutrons, then within a fission or two, all the neutrons would be consumed and the reaction would stop. Nuclear reactors operate safely at the “sweet spot” where one neutron from each fission leads to another fission, on average. Critical reactors are in the state where for every fission, one neutron is created that leads to an additional fission, creating a stable chain reaction. When we talk about a nuclear reactor being “critical,” this is what we mean. When a reactor operator increases or decreases the power level of the reactor, they have to take the reactor into a configuration above or below the critical level. When increasing power, the reactor is taken supercritical with just barely more than one fission occurring from each prior fission (typically only one or two extra fissions for every hundred atoms). When decreasing in power, the opposite occurs and the reactor is taken subcritical to produce one or two less fissions for every hundred atoms. In all cases, the reactors are very tightly controlled.

Components and Heat Transfer

The heat produced in the nuclear fission reaction is transferred from the reactor through the plant’s cooling systems to generate steam, which spins a turbine and generates electricity. Specifically, what are the parts of a nuclear plant, and how do they work?

Reactor Core

The core of a nuclear reactor is where the nuclear reaction takes place, fissioning fuel atoms to release heat. The core is a dense collection of nuclear fuel that has been fabricated into fuel rods and assemblies.

Fuel Rods

Fuel Rods are thin and long, with a diameter of about 1 cm and a length of about 4 m. They contain nuclear fuel — usually, low-enriched uranium, which contains 3-5% uranium-235 — in a form that remains chemically stable at high temperatures, most commonly uranium dioxide (UO2). The fuel is contained inside the fuel cladding, which is made of alloys with high melting temperatures and low neutron interaction properties including aluminum, stainless steel, and zirconium. The fuel and cladding are designed and sealed to prevent the radioactive fission products that are created within the fuel material from escaping, serving as the first physical safety barrier of a nuclear reactor. A collection of over 150 fuel rods forms a fuel assembly. Assemblies group together the rods, making them easier to keep track of and move. A commercial-size reactor may contain between 150 and 250 fuel assemblies.

Reactor Vessel and Coolant

The reactor core is located inside a reactor vessel, which is the second physical safety barrier separating it from the outside world. Reactor vessels in the operating fleet are designed to withstand high temperatures and pressures. These reactor vessels are usually called reactor pressure vessels and a typical nuclear reactor operates at a pressure of about 150 atmospheres. Inside the reactor pressure vessel, the reactor core is submerged in a circulating coolant. For most reactors today, liquid water is used as the coolant. Due to the high pressures inside the reactor pressure vessel, the water can be heated to a temperature of about 300 degrees Celsius without boiling. In some of the advanced reactors being demonstrated and commercialized, novel coolants are able to maintain liquid form at very high temperature but at ambient or near-ambient pressures. For these reactor vessels, the same requirements to withstand high pressures may be alleviated.

Moderator and Control Rods

In most nuclear reactors today, the coolant also serves as a moderator. A moderator mediates a nuclear reaction by “slowing down” neutrons — in other words, decreasing their energy to the appropriate level to cause more fissions — by colliding with them. To carefully control the rate of the reaction in the core, retractable control rods can be inserted and removed between fuel assemblies. These are designed to be fully inserted into the core in the event of loss of power or other failures, so that they will stop the chain reaction in accident scenarios no matter what occurs.

Heat Transfer and Power Generation

In the reactor vessel, the coolant absorbs the heat produced by the reactor core. It is then circulated through the primary coolant loop. In pressurized water reactors, the primary loop leads to a heat exchanger, which is used to transfer heat from the primary coolant loop to a secondary coolant loop. The coolant in the secondary loop does not receive radiation and has a low risk of contamination. After passing through the heat exchanger, the primary loop is cooled and cycles back into the reactor core. The secondary coolant loop leads to a steam generator, converting the hot water into steam, which then spins a turbine to generate electricity. The hot steam is then collected in a condenser, which converts it back to liquid water which can be cycled repeatedly through the loop. The primary coolant is subject to significant neutron radiation in the core. In pressurized water reactors, it doesn’t contact other pieces of machinery because it could contaminate them with small amounts of radioactivity. However, boiling water reactors accept this additional contamination by boiling water in the primary loop to directly drive a turbine generator. The turbine receives small levels of contamination, but it allows the removal of an intermediary coolant loop.


In the context of nuclear energy, containment can have two meanings. As a verb, containment means preventing the spread of radioactivity. As a noun, containment refers to the mechanisms surrounding the reactor core and reactor vessel. Most notably, operating reactors are contained in a large, strong building of thick reinforced concrete, which is designed and certified to completely prevent the spread of radiation in case of a reactor accident. The containment building also protects and isolates the reactor from external events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and even airplane impacts. This reinforced structure is the third and ultimate physical safety barrier around the nuclear reactor. Nuclear plants are contained on dedicated pieces of land. Environmental radioactivity-measuring devices are placed in and around the plant to monitor and ensure that no radioactivity is escaping from the reactor vessel or reactor building. The land is guarded to prevent clandestine intruders to the nuclear facility, and operates with a local network disconnected from the internet, eliminating the risk of cyberattacks.

Operational Safety at Nuclear Power Plants

No technology is perfect, but risks can be lowered to acceptable levels; for example, most people would consider airplanes safe even though a handful of crashes occur every year. For nuclear plants, different systems are in place to eliminate risks of potential failure as much as possible, and even in the exceedingly unlikely event of failure, additional standards reduce damage and radioactivity spread as much as possible. In addition to the three physical barriers already mentioned, here are some of the design standards that ensure that nuclear reactors operate as safely as possible.

Negative Reactivity Coefficient

First and foremost, a “runaway chain reaction” is not physically possible with today’s reactor designs. Modern nuclear reactors have a negative reactivity coefficient, meaning if fuel temperature rises, the reaction slows down. A reactor with excess fissions will either return to critical equilibrium or shut itself down entirely, even without human intervention — an inherent safety measure in its design.

Scram Mechanisms

Complete shutdown of a nuclear reactor is always just a button away, and sometimes, it takes no human action at all. Nuclear facilities are equipped with hundreds of sensors which, if triggered, cause a complete reactor shutdown. In the event of a severe earthquake, for example, the control rods are inserted automatically and the reaction stops.


Ultimately, in a worst-case scenario, physical barriers prevent the spread of radioactivity. First, nuclear fuel and radioactive fission products are held inside the fuel cladding, which is designed to withstand temperatures of thousands of degrees Celsius. Next, the reactor core is contained inside the pressure vessel, which is similarly designed to withstand high temperatures and pressures. Last, the containment building is capable of withstanding extreme external events. For radioactivity to escape a nuclear plant, all three barriers would need to fail. In that worst-case scenario, every plant has a planned, tested, and rehearsed emergency preparedness plan that would minimize all risks to human health. While it is not impossible for containment failure to occur, it is extremely unlikely. If a hypothetical event occurred that was strong enough to compromise a nuclear reactor, the reactor failure would probably be of much less concern than the event itself.

Who Oversees Nuclear Energy?

The materials and designs used in nuclear power production are subject to strict oversight by multiple agencies, including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the regulatory bodies of the power plant’s country, such as the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The IAEA works in tandem with governments and regulatory agencies worldwide to ensure that reactors are designed and operated safely and without risk of spreading nuclear material. They do this with frequent and thorough inspections. Ever since nuclear power’s beginnings in the 1950s, regulators have always held safety to be paramount. Operational experience continues to identify and inform safety measures that mitigate all possible risks to human health.  

Safety Comparison of Nuclear Energy

Like all technologies, it is not possible to completely eliminate all risks of danger from nuclear energy. However, compared to other technologies, nuclear power is extremely safe based on its track record. Since fission power is carbon-neutral, nuclear power can help decarbonize and offset energy production from fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels releases harmful chemicals such as sulfur oxides, particulate matter, and aerosols. These externalities of fossil fuel energy damage air quality and lead to an estimated 8 million premature deaths per year. Nuclear energy produced 2,653 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity in 2021 without releasing any carbon emissions or radiation to the public.  

Advanced Nuclear Reactors are Inherently Safe

Nuclear reactors operate safely today to produce more than half of the carbon-free electricity in places like the U.S. and Europe. The reactors of the future will benefit from enhanced inherent safety fundamental to the physics of the fuels and designs. Advanced fuels like the TRISO fuel pebbles of the pebble bed or high-temperature gas reactors are made to be even more durable than existing fuels. They can withstand temperatures higher than their reactors can reach — even in accident scenarios. Some reactor technologies, like molten salt reactors or pebble bed reactors, use liquid and liquid-dispersed fuel, respectively, which can easily be drained using freeze plugs in the event of overheating or technical failure, making shutdown automatic. Nuclear power is already extremely safe, and advanced reactor technologies will only make it safer.  


This article is one of many developed by EPRI’s Advanced Nuclear Technology program. Stay up-to-date on the newest nuclear technologies by becoming a member today.