
Roadmap Strategic Elements

There are a total of 46 actions. These actions are prioritized to identify those actions that make the greatest contribution to delivering value to the market (Priority 1) and other actions that could help further improve success (Priority 2).

Note that for actions where Canada is already, or is planning to address these issues, the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) has been listed as the place holder action owner for Canadian entities that are/will take on these actions alone or jointly with United States counterparts. As the CNA further develops and rolls out its Nuclear for Net Zero Strategy in the coming months, collaboration with the NEI and EPRI on the Advanced Reactor Roadmap and the actions it reflects will grow and better reflect the activities already underway, and those planned, for the Canadian nuclear energy industry.

The analysis identified opportunities for investments, expanded capability, and progress across all pillars and the spectrum of scope areas and infrastructure to design, license, deploy, and operate advanced reactors, all with the expected outcome to strengthen the industry. Collectively, these opportunities, along with the associated actions, represent the action plan for key accomplishments by industry and partner stakeholders.

Navigate to all the Actions within a Strategic Element by selecting the Strategic Element lower on this page.

Strategic Elements

Regulatory Efficiency

Technology Readiness

Project Execution